#355: RED FLAGS Aren’t Just Warnings: 4 Relatable Examples of How They ESCALATE

breakup BOOST Advice to Get Over Your Ex & More - Podcast autorstwa Trina Leckie


So-called "small" red flags may seem harmless or easy to overlook at first, but over time, they grow into problems that can severely impact your emotional well-being. Join me in diving into this further, including some relatable examples... Then, check out my book "Don't Be DESPERATE: Get Over Your Breakup with CLARITY & DIGNITY" on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3R2EHiz  AND, let's take this a step further... (1) ORDER EMAIL or PHONE coaching at breakupBOOST.com (2) Call Trina direct on The Breakup Hotline ANYTIME! (see website for details: https://www.breakupboost.com/live-coaching-trina-breakup-boost) (3) Check out Trina's BREAKUP AND DATING MERCH: blockandshop.com (4) SUBSCRIBE to Trina's YouTube - search "breakup BOOST" (5) Follow Trina on INSTAGRAM & TIKTOK @breakupBOOST

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