#30: Adopting AI in business

NBR Podcasts - Podcast autorstwa NBR National Business Review NZ


In this episode of The NBR Podcast with Simon Shepherd: In the two years since the release of ChatGPT, the world of generative AI chatbots has exploded. There are thousands on offer. So, how does a business go about implementing a fast-moving disruptive technology? Silicon Valley veteran Ed Ortega from Machine & Partners outlines his strategy on navigating the world where AI startups are “faking it till they make it”. Timestamps below:  (01:30) - Can you explain why you can offer insights into this somewhat crazy world of AI? (11:57) - At a top level, New Zealand businesses are lagging in adoption. Does that reflect what you see elsewhere?  (17:23) - You're telling me that I won't be able to tell the difference between a human and an AI?

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