GOOD EVENING: The show begins with the roll-out of the Trump Administration's national security team as reported by Cliff May of FDD...

The John Batchelor Show - Podcast autorstwa John Batchelor - Soboty

GOOD EVENING: The show begins with the roll-out of the Trump Administration's national security team as reported by Cliff May of FDD... 1955 CBS EYE ON THE WORLD WITH JOHN BATCHELOR FIRST HOUR 9:00-9:15: POTUS: Trump Administration National Security team roll out. Cliff May, FDD 9:15-9:30: #BRAZIL: Lula da Silva's ambition to be a hegemon. Mary Anastasia O'Grady 9:30-9:45: #PRC: Stock Bubble building at the hands of the CCP. #SCALAREPORT: Chris Riegel, CEO, @Stratacache 9:45-10:00: #INDIA: No generalities suit on the polling and voting 2024. Sadanand Dhume, WSJ SECOND HOUR 10:00-10:15: #LEBANON: Hezbollah seeks separate peace. Hussain Abdul-Hussain, Research Fellow at FDD 10:15-10:30: #IRAQ: Shia militias firing drones and rockets. Dr. Michael Knights, Jill and Jay Bernstein Senior Fellow, The Washington Institute 10:30-10:45: #ANTISEMITISM: Dion J. Pierre, Campus Correspondent, The Algemeiner 10:45-11:00: #ISRAEL: ICC attacks; Bernie Sanders fails; EU and UN sanction. Malcolm Hoenlein @Conf_of_pres @mhoenlein1 THIRD HOUR 11:00-11:15: #NewWorldReport: APEC, G-20 and Xi 11:15-11:30: #NewWorldReport: Milei and Xi 11:30-11:45: #NewWorldReport: Sheinbaum and Trump 11:45-12:00: #NewWorldReport: US and Maduro All segments with Latin American Research Professor Evan Ellis, U.S. Army War College Strategic Studies Institute @revanellis FOURTH HOUR 12:00-12:15: #ICC: Global Lawfare targeting Netanyahu and Gallant. Richard Goldberg, FDD 12:15-12:30: #MRMARKET: FTC vs. Bigness, failing. Veronique de Rugy, Mercatus 12:30-12:45: #RUSSIA: Provocation parade (Part 1). Anatol Lieven, Quincy Institute 12:45-1:00 AM: #RUSSIA: Provocation parade (Part 2). Anatol Lieven, Quincy Institute

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