February 2, 2024: #CoDay
This Week In Fandom History - Podcast autorstwa V. Arrow, Emily Jaye

He's a special li'l guy! This week, V and Emily look at a very recent event in fandom history, Star Wars: The Clone Wars' fannish holiday celebrating their main man, almost everyone's favorite clone, Cody. Since his clone identification number is CC-2224, a mysterious yet enterprising fan saw the date 2/2/24 approaching and ran with it, creating a delightful celebration of all things fannish and all things Cody. Cody is so popular and beloved, in fact, that this episode's event was requested by not one, not two, but THREE listeners: Elismor, soundssimpleright, and an anonymous request. And having researched it? Yeah, it's delightful as hell. Are you a Clone Wars fan? Who's your favorite clone? Sources Fanlore CoDay on Tumblr Clone Haven AO3 This Week In Fandom History is a fandom-centric podcast that tells you… what happened this week in fandom history! Follow This Week in Fandom History on Tumblr at @thisweekinfandomhistory You can support the show via our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/thisweekinfandomhistory. If you have a fannish company, event, or service and would like to sponsor or partner with TWIFH, please contact us via our website. Please remember to rate the show 5 stars on your listening platform of choice!