February 2009: Twilight Fandom Stays Wide Awake

This Week In Fandom History - Podcast autorstwa V. Arrow, Emily Jaye


Badwards and cookies and unicorns, oh my! This week, V and Emily head to Forks and dive off the cliff into the world of Twihards, Twank, and one very special gazebo as they look at the first Twilight superfic and, arguably, the one with the biggest impact on the fandom: Wide Awake by angstgoddess003. Is this fic the reason that 50 Shades of Grey exists? Kind of. Is it ridiculous? Absolutely. But did V gobble up every cookie-themed chapter? Hell yeah! Learn about a Cassandra Clare-level wank with us and -- unlike the Cullen vamps -- burst into flames of rage at E.L. James' grossness. Were you a Twihard (or perhaps a Twimom)? Do you suffer from insomnia that can only be cured by the beautiful bad boy next door??

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