Ep.19 时区(shíqū): Are there different times in China?

五分钟中文 5 Minute Chinese - Podcast autorstwa The Lone Mandarin Teacher

In this Mandarin episode, I explore why China only uses Beijing time despite the fact that it spans across 5 different time zones, compare China's time zone use with that of continental USA, and talk about East Coast bias in both China and the US.Some useful words:东八区(dōng bā qū): East 8 Zone (UTC/GMT +8 hrs) (Beijing Time is GMT +8hr) 全球(quán qíu): worldwide, global按...划分(àn... huàfēn): categorize, divide ... according to标准(biāozhǔn): standard根据(gēn jù): based on, according to 横跨(h...