Ep.29 中国的物价: What things are cheaper in China?

五分钟中文 5 Minute Chinese - Podcast autorstwa The Lone Mandarin Teacher

In this Mandarin episode, I talk about consumer prices of things in China, as compared to the US, to see what is cheaper to buy in China and what could be more expensive and why. Some useful words and expressions: 物价 (Wùjià): consumer price刀/美元 (dāo (colloquial)/měiyuán): dollar人民币/元 (rénmínbì/yuán): name of China's currency/Chinese yuan斤 VS 磅 ( jīn VS bàng): China's weight unit/pound倍 (bèi) : -fold, times换算 (huànsuàn): convert甚至 (shènzhì): even, so much so that百/千/万 (bǎi/qiā...