Ep.8 Proverb 磨刀不误砍柴工: Sharpen your axe, expedite the job (bilingual explanation)

五分钟中文 5 Minute Chinese - Podcast autorstwa The Lone Mandarin Teacher

In this episode (a mix of English and Mandarin explanation), I talk about the Chinese proverb 磨刀不误砍柴工 (mó dāo bú wù kǎn chái gōng): (literally) honing your ax will not hold up your wood-chopping job. The proverb tells us that the time we spend on improving our tools and taking care of ourselves in preparation for the job is not wasted. It will pay off in way of increased productivity. 把你的问题和建议发给我!Support the showIt's truly an honor that my podcast can provide help and value to you. Your ...