2 Feel Joy Continuously - Live From Your Soul

Angels and Awakening - Podcast autorstwa Julie Jancius: Spiritual Guide, Intuitive Reiki Healer, Psychic Medium, Teacher (God, Intuition, Manifest, Soul, Higher + Highest Self, Spirit Guides, Grief, Consciousness, Life After Death)

Overview: You are a human being. The human-ness is your body, the being-ness is your soul. Both parts of you are energy with thought. Part of your free will here on Earth is choosing to live from your soul or from your body. It is the difference between choosing fear, stress, anxiety, depression, sadness OR joy, love, peace, bliss and ease. This is the episode you need to understand who and what you truly are, and how to make lasting changes that lead to a life you love!   Connect with Julie Website:  www.jancius.com Instagram: www.instagram.com/angelpodcast/ Facebook: www.facebook.com/angelpodcast/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLOL5Dgsssv7A4C7SLvyqWg?view_as=subscriber   Show Notes: Hi Friends! Welcome back to the second episode of ANGELS and AWAKENING. Just a reminder, episodes 1 & 2 are from the same conversation, but split into two parts. Episode 1 was my back story, you got to know more about me AND how I realized that I had spiritual gifts when I started hearing from my dad, before I ever knew he had passed away and was on the Other Side. In episode 1, we also talked about energy and how energy works.   I’m so EXCITED about today’s episode because THIS is THE episode YOU need to be able to see your life differently. Friends, this episode is a collection of what the Angels have shown me throughout all of my sessions. This is a collection of the guidance I’ve received from my Angels, the guidance that I’ve brought through for my clients from their Angels and your Angels want me to share this information with you today. And when I write my first book, which I know is manifesting right now, what I’m sharing with you today on this podcast will be the first few chapters of that book — I guess I should tell you, it’s all copyrighted.   Ok, let’s jump right in.   Let’s start with you. Have you ever stopped to think about WHAT are you. Well, first and foremost, you are a soul . . . But What is your soul?   Spirit shows me two things about the soul. First, the soul is energy — it has a vibration. Second, the soul has consciousness. Consciousness is another word for “thought”. We talked a bit about this in episode 1, but I want to break it down for you further and string together all the missing pieces so you have a more clear understanding.   You’ll often hear me use the phrase “high vibration”. Friends, when I use this term, I’m NOT talking about smoking weed, I’M NOT TALKING ABOUT GETTING HIGH — I Am talking about accessing the vibration of your soul. Your soul stems from LOVE, JOY, PEACE, BLISS, EASE AND GRACE. On the other side, there is no ego-ic mind, there are no low vibrations — on the other side there are only high vibrations — with God being the highest vibration that is.   The Angels give me a metaphor for how our souls are connected to God. Think about it this way — first, imagine all of the water here on Earth, all of the oceans, lakes, rivers, etc. — that IS the metaphor for God. Now imagine taking all of that water and breaking ALL of it up into individual droplets. How many droplets would there be? Infinite, right? Well, the Angels say that the droplets are our souls, but collectively, all together we are always one with the bigger ocean WHICH is God. And with all other droplets — which are all living things. What does this mean? It means that as a human being you look at yourself as separate from everything else. You believe you separate from your family members. You are separate from your colleagues at work. You are separate from your friends. You see you as YOU — and them as THEM. But that’s not the way it is. At the most finite level, everything is connected and everything is one. And that place where everything is still one with God — that is the highest vibration that is. Your soul is of the highest vibration that is, because it is a piece of God — you are ONE WITH the whole. You are ONE with All That Is. And because that IS who you are — The vibration of your soul is always with

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