How To Shine Your Light Even Brighter [Powerful Activation] | Ep. #118

Awaken To Empower with Kay Sanders - Podcast autorstwa Kay Sanders

Do you sometimes feel as you are holding back? As if you don't fully step into your power, be seen, be heard, and let the world know you exist? Do you feel that so much more is possible but it also seems as if something is holding you back, keeping you hiding away? If one thing is for certain is this..... you ARE meant to shine your light! You ARE meant to make an impact in the world. But in order to do so, the layers of limitation, densities, and fear that may be holding you back must be released so you can embrace ALL of who you are, and shine your light even brighter than you have been.  In this episode, I talk more about the reason why so many feel challenged with shining their light as well as what to do to start breaking through the layers that are actually dimming your light. I also share a powerful light language activation to help you release what is asking to be released and to turn on your inner light, and igniting that fire within.

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