HALEY IS ENGAGED!! We talk about all of the proposal details!!!
Call Me Candid - Podcast autorstwa Haley Pham & Lilly Ann

Haley spills her WHOLE proposal story in this episode and you don't want to miss it!! Who knew both CMC hosts would be engaged at the same time!? Make sure to go over to her Instagram @haleypham for proposal/ring pics!
Call me candid podcast: https://www.instagram.com/callmecandidpodcast/
Lilly Ann: https://www.instagram.com/allthingslillyann/
Haley Pham: https://www.instagram.com/haleypham/
Shop Lilly Ann: https://allthingslillyann.com/shop
Shop Retro Reprise: https://www.retroreprise.co/
Our epic CMC intro/outro song was created by the amazing Logan Nelson @lgnnelson