Love Is: The February 2024 Sacred Geometry with Sabine Kruse

Carving a New Path Podcast - Podcast autorstwa carvinganewpath

Episode Thirty-one – Love Is: The February 2024 Sacred Geometry with Sabine Kruse In this conversation, Andrea and Sabine discuss the energies of 2024 and Sabine’s upcoming monthly Sacred Geometry topic for February 2024: Love Is. Sabine also talked about the Infinity Symbol. Listen to the podcast for more! Sabine Kruse is an activator of human consciousness. For 20 years Sabine worked as an economist devoted to improving the living conditions of people in developing countries, eventually realizing that “knowing thyself” is the most effective way to create a real impact. With her deep understanding of sacred geometry and through her writing, coaching workshops and sacred geometry designs, Sabine inspires and empowers people around the world to break free from limitations, connect to their true nature, and live their best lives. Her 1st book: Activate Your Highest Potential with Sacred Geometry: A Practical Guide to Freedom, Authenticity, Fulfillment, has a wealth of information for learning the basics of foundational sacred geometry shapes and forms and an overview of the stars.   Buy the book on Amazon in Kindle and/or paperback:   Check out her website for a ton of free resources and information, and her Instagram page and Youtube. Website: Instagram: YouTube: Facebook: LinkedIn: Email: [email protected]   Andrea is the author of Heal My Voice: An Evolutionary Woman's Journey and is the founder of Heal My Voice.   Author Page on Amazon:   Website:   Spotify:     Link to Carving a New Path Podcast on iTunes:   This podcast began in 2020 in response to all the change that people were experiencing. The conversations and guests on this podcast have listened to their inner voice and birthed new ways of being in the world. They offer resources, and tools to support you in navigating change.

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