December 22, Advent Weekday - The Great Joy of Our Blessed Mother

Catholic Daily Reflections - Podcast autorstwa My Catholic Life!

“My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my savior. For he has looked upon his lowly servant. From this day all generations will call me blessed: the Almighty has done great things for me, and holy is his Name.” Luke 1:46–49This song reveals the joy in the heart of the Mother of God. She humbly acknowledges the great things God has done for her and expresses her deepest joy.It’s interesting to note that both her “soul” and her “spirit” are mentioned in this song of praise. Her soul “proclaims” and her spirit “rejoices.” What does this reveal?In part, it reveals both an action of her own and an action of God. Our Blessed Mother’s “soul” refers to all of her human abilities within her mind, will, emotions and desires. It’s what makes her human. And with those human capacities she proclaims God’s greatness. In other words, with her mind she perceives God’s greatness, with her will she acknowledges and chooses to proclaim His greatness, and she does so with all of her feelings, emotions and desires. Her whole being was consumed with the greatness of God!It also reveals that within her “spirit,” she was filled with the glorious gift of joy. As she proclaimed the greatness of God, the Holy Spirit flooded her and produced this spiritual fruit. Joy comes from God actively working within our lives. It’s a fruit of the Holy Spirit and our Blessed Mother had this gift in its fullness.Reflect, today, upon your own soul and spirit. Do you imitate the perfect example of our Blessed Mother as she seeks to know, love and proclaim the greatness of God with her whole being? And do you allow the Holy Spirit to flood your spirit with joy? Ask our Blessed Mother to pray for you as we approach Christmas. Ask for the grace to “proclaim” and “rejoice” with her at the coming celebration of the birth of her Divine Son so that you, too, may sing her song of praise!Dearest Mother, you offer us the perfect example of how to live as a faithful and humble servant of the Most High God. You proclaimed His greatness with your whole being and were filled with joy at His coming. Help me, by your powerful intercession, to imitate your faith and to love God with my whole being. Mother Mary, pray for me. Jesus, I trust in You. Source of content: catholic-daily-reflections.comCopyright © 2021 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission via RSS feed.

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