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A man suspected in an apparent attempt to assassinate former US president Donald Trump at his Florida golf course hid out for nearly 12 hours beforehand, according to a court complaint.根据一份法院诉状,一名男子涉嫌暗杀美国前总统唐纳德·特朗普。该男子在特朗普位于佛罗里达州的高尔夫球场事先躲藏近 12 个小时。The suspect, Ryan Wesley Routh, 58, was charged with two federal gun crimes on Monday.嫌疑人瑞安·韦斯利·劳思现年58 岁,16日受控两项联邦涉枪罪名。The incident Sunday afternoon raised questions about how an armed person was able to get so close to Trump, the Republican presidential candidate in the Nov 5 election, two months after a gunman fired at Trump during a July 13 rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, cutting his ear with a bullet.这场发生在15日下午的事件引发疑问:7月13日,一名枪手在宾夕法尼亚州巴特勒市的竞选集会上向特朗普开枪,子弹擦伤了他的耳朵。两个月后,一名持枪者又为何能如此接近 11 月 5 日将参与大选的美国共和党总统候选人特朗普?Trump's visit to his golf course in West Palm Beach was not on his public schedule, US Secret Service Acting Director Ronald Rowe said Monday.美国特勤局代理局长罗纳德·罗16日表示,特朗普去西棕榈滩自家高尔夫球场打球并未列入其公开行程。A Secret Service agent who was "walking the perimeter" of the course, according to the criminal complaint, opened fire after seeing a rifle barrel poking out of bushes a few hundred yards away from Trump, who was on the fifth hole fairway.根据刑事起诉书,当时一名特勤局特工正在巡视球场,发现灌木丛中伸出一根步枪枪管,距当时在5号球洞球道的特朗普仅几百米,随后特勤局特工开了枪。The gunman fled in a Nissan sport utility vehicle "at a high rate of speed", according to the complaint filed in US District Court in West Palm Beach. Officers found a loaded SKS assault-style rifle with a scope, a digital camera and a plastic bag of food.根据提交给美国西棕榈滩地区法院的起诉书,枪手乘坐一辆日产运动型多功能车“高速”逃离。警察在现场发现了一支装有瞄准镜并带有子弹的半自动步枪、一部数码相机和一塑料袋食品。Records show a phone associated with Routh was located at the golf course starting at 1:59 am on Sunday EDT, according to the complaint. Federal agents had requested Routh's location data from his wireless provider.诉状显示,从美国东部时间15日凌晨1:59开始,劳思的手机在高尔夫球场被定位。联邦特工要求劳思的无线服务供应商提供他的位置数据。The suspect was on the public side of a fence along the course's boundary, Rowe said.罗纳德·罗说,嫌疑人当时在球场边界围栏公开的一侧。Routh was arrested about 40 minutes after the incident, driving north on Interstate 95. The license plate on his vehicle had been reported stolen from a Ford truck. Bodycam footage of Routh's arrest was released by the Martin County Sheriff's Office.事发约40分钟后,劳思在95号州际公路向北行驶时被捕。据报告,他的车牌是从一辆福特卡车上偷来的。马丁县警长办公室公布了劳思被捕时的车载摄像头录像。"There have been previous individuals who have taken pictures of the former president while he's golfing," Dave Aronberg, the state attorney for the district that covers Palm Beach County, told Fox News. "They've gone through the shrubs and been able to poke a camera through the fencing. You would think that perhaps maybe they would consider someone scoping the perimeter."“以前曾有人在前总统打高尔夫时拍下他的照片。”棕榈滩县州检察官戴夫·阿伦伯格告诉美国福克斯新闻,“他们穿过灌木丛,将摄像头从围栏中探出。你会认为,也许他们会考虑派人在周边进行勘察。”A 2019 tip to the FBI alleged that Routh was a convicted felon who illegally possessed a firearm, Jeffrey Veltri, the agent in charge of the FBI's Miami field office, told reporters.美国联邦调查局迈阿密办事处负责人杰弗里·维尔特里告诉记者,2019年联邦调查局收到的一条线索称,劳思是一名被定罪的非法持有枪支的重罪犯。In court on Monday, Routh was charged with possession of a firearm as a convicted felon and possession of a firearm with an obliterated serial number. He is expected back in court for a bond hearing on Sept 23 and an arraignment on Sept 30.在16日的庭审中,劳思被指控作为被定罪的重罪犯持有枪支以及持有序列号被抹去的枪支。预计他将于9月23日再次出庭接受保释听证会,并于9月30日接受传讯。In 2002, Routh pleaded guilty to possession of an unregistered fully automatic gun, which in North Carolina is defined as a weapon of mass destruction, according to the county district attorney's office. He was sentenced to probation.2002年,劳思承认持有未经注册的全自动枪支,被判缓刑。县地方检察官办公室称,在北卡罗来纳州,全自动枪支被定义为大规模杀伤性武器。Routh is a staunch supporter of Ukraine and has traveled there, seeking to recruit foreign fighters in the country's military conflict with Russia.劳思是乌克兰的坚定支持者,他曾前往乌克兰,试图在乌克兰与俄罗斯的军事冲突中招募外国战斗人员。Social media accounts linked to Routh's name showed posts on Ukraine as well as claims that Trump is a threat to American democracy.劳思的社交媒体账户曾发布关于乌克兰的帖子,以及声称特朗普是美国民主威胁的言论。On April 21, Routh directed a post on X to Elon Musk, owner of X and founder of SpaceX: "I would like to buy a rocket from you. I wish to load it with a warhead for Putins Black sea mansion bunker to end him. Can you give me a price please."4月21日,劳思在社交平台“X”(原推特)上向“X”的所有者、SpaceX的创始人埃隆·马斯克发布帖子:“我想向你购买一枚火箭。我希望在火箭上装载一枚弹头,发射到普京的黑海豪华别墅,终结他。请给我一个价格。”In another X post, Routh wrote to US President Joe Biden: "@POTUS Your campaign should be called something like KADAF. Keep America democratic and free. Trumps should be MASA ...make Americans slaves again master. DEMOCRACY is on the ballot and we cannot lose."在另一篇“X”平台的帖子中,劳思向美国总统拜登写道:“你的竞选活动应该叫‘保持美国的民主和自由’。特朗普的则应该叫‘让美国人重新成为奴隶’。民主就在选票上,我们不能输”。Public access to the Facebook and X profiles has been removed.公众现已无法访问其在脸书和“X”社交平台的个人资料。Trump has questioned the amount of aid the United States has provided to Ukraine and has vowed to end the war immediately if elected.特朗普对美国向乌克兰提供的援助数量提出质疑,并誓言如果当选将立即结束战争。Vice-President Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential candidate, has promised continued support for Ukraine.美国民主党总统候选人、副总统卡玛拉·哈里斯承诺继续支持乌克兰。Trump claimed that Routh was acting on Democrats' "highly inflammatory language".特朗普声称,劳思是受到了民主党人“极具煽动性的语言”影响而采取了行动。"Their rhetoric is causing me to be shot at, when I am the one who is going to save the country, and they are the ones that are destroying the country — both from the inside and out," he said, according to Fox.据美国福克斯新闻报道,他说:“他们的言论让我遭到枪击,我是拯救这个国家的人,他们才是从内到外摧毁国家的人。”Biden and Trump had a "cordial conversation" on Monday, White House Senior Deputy Press Secretary Emilie Simons posted on X.白宫高级副新闻秘书埃米莉·西蒙斯在“X”上发布消息称,拜登和特朗普16日进行了“亲切的交谈”。The Secret Service has been under scrutiny since the July shooting. The agency needs more help, including possibly more personnel, Biden told reporters on Monday, adding: "Thank God the president's OK."自7月枪击事件发生以来,特勤局一直受到严格审查。拜登16日对记者说,特勤局需要更多帮助,包括可能需要更多人手,并补充道:“感谢上帝,总统没事”。suspectn.嫌疑犯  v.怀疑;猜想presidential candidaten.总统候选人convictn.囚犯  v.宣判有罪scopen.范围;视野  v.调查cordialadj.热情友好的