Risk Management for Clinical Investigators with Bijan Elahi
Clinical Trial Podcast | Conversations with Clinical Research Experts - Podcast autorstwa Kunal Sampat | Educator

This is a special episode on risk management. It is important to understand what dictates the work we do as clinical research professionals and how our work fits into the bigger picture of medical product development. This episode serves exactly that purpose. You’ll be introduced to ISO 14971 Application of risk management to medical devices and learn about its relationship to ISO 14155 Clinical investigation of medical devices for human subjects — Good clinical practice. You’ll also understand key terminology around risks, how to define risk, what's special about clinical studies with respect to risk management, and much more. Our guest today is Bijan Elahi. Bijan has worked in risk management for medical devices for over 29 years at the largest medical device companies in the world, as well as small startups. He is a technical fellow and Medtronic corporate advisor on safety risk management of. medical devices. In this capacity, he offers education and consulting on risk management to all Medtronic business units, worldwide. Bijan is a lecturer at Eindhoven University of Technology (Netherlands), where he teaches risk management to doctoral students in engineering. At the invitation of the FDA, he also teaches a graduate course on medical device risk management at Drexel University in Philadelphia. Bijan is the founder of MedTech Safety, Inc., an education and advisory company. He has educated over 6,500 individuals worldwide. Bijan is a frequently invited speaker at international professional conferences, and is also a contributor to ISO 14971, the international standard on the application of risk management to medical devices. Last but not least, he is the author of Safety Risk Management for Medical Devices, published by Elsevier publishing. Enjoy! Sponsor: This podcast is brought to you by Slope. Slope provides an online eClinical Supply Chain Management (eCSCM) platform for sponsors and research sites collaborating on complex, sample-intensive, early-stage clinical trials. The Slope eCSCM platform reduces clinical trial risks, reigns in costs, improves the productivity of clinical trial collaborators, and increases subject retention by moving the manual, spreadsheet-driven, and error-prone processes used to manage and track clinical supplies and biological samples to a digital platform. To learn more, visit slope.io and ask to speak with a solutions coordinator today.