If Nothing Works To Get Ex Back
Coach Lee - Podcast autorstwa Coach Lee

Emergency Breakup Kit at https://MyExBackCoach.com/emergency-breakup-kit Coaching session at https://myexbackcoach.com/book-with-coach-lee/ What to Do When All Else Fails: Strategies for Getting Your Ex Back When you're at your wit's end, unsure of what else to try, and willing to take some risks to rekindle your relationship with your ex, it can be a challenging and emotional time. These moments often come when you're ready to move on but feel the need to try one last thing. Here are some unconventional strategies that carry some risk but have been known to work in certain situations. 1. Double Down Sometimes, your ex may have been critical of certain hobbies, habits, or traits of yours. In this strategy, instead of hiding or abandoning these aspects of yourself, you embrace them wholeheartedly. This isn't about being spiteful but about showing your independence and confidence. For example, if your ex complained about a specific hobby you love, post about it on social media. If they disliked a particular style of clothing that makes you feel good, wear it proudly. The idea is to communicate that you're no longer seeking their approval. While this approach can feel risky and even a little defiant, it shifts the dynamic. Instead of portraying yourself as someone desperate to win them back, you become someone who is unapologetically themselves. This independence can be unexpectedly attractive. However, it's important to consider the bigger picture: Why would you want to win back someone who was critical of things that make you happy? This is a question worth reflecting on as you proceed. 2. Create Micro Mysteries Mystery has a way of drawing people in, and you can use it to your advantage. This technique involves creating intrigue by leaving certain things unresolved or open-ended. For example: Share a cryptic social media post about starting a new project but leave out key details or outcomes. Casually mention something intriguing in conversation with mutual friends or acquaintances but stop short of explaining it fully. This tactic plays on the Zeigarnik Effect, a psychological principle where people are drawn to unfinished stories or unanswered questions. By leaving your ex wondering about you, you can create curiosity and preoccupation in their mind. This approach subtly invites them to think about you more often, which can reignite feelings of interest or even attraction. 3. Take a Trip Distance can make the heart grow fonder, especially when it's unexpected. Plan a trip to an unusual or obscure location and share it on social media. The more random the destination, the better—someplace your ex wouldn't associate with your typical routine. For example, visiting a small town they've never heard of can leave them wondering: -Why are they there?-What are they doing? This strategy not only creates mystery but also gives the impression that you're moving forward with your life. For exes who are used to having you nearby, the idea of you being physically out of reach can trigger feelings of loss or curiosity. 4. Send Their Belongings Back If your ex has left items at your place, you've probably kept them as a potential point of connection. But if months have passed and they haven’t reached out to retrieve their things, sending them back can send a powerful message. Pack their belongings neatly and include a simple note: "Here are the things of yours I could find. Hope you’re well." This gesture can act as a symbolic closing of the chapter, which can be surprisingly impactful. It might make your ex realize the finality of the breakup and trigger a response. It’s a calculated move that signals you're ready to move on, even if deep down you’re hoping for a different outcome. 5. Decide to Move On The most counterintuitive yet effective strategy is genuinely deciding to move on. While easier said than done, this mindset shift can bring clarity and peace. Here’s how to approach it: Make a conscious decision. Commit to movi