Is the Men In Black: International Promo Campaign Not Working? - Mailbag
On today’s Collider Mailbag (April 27, 2019), John Rocha and Dorina Arellano answer the following questions from the Collider fans: HEADLINE: Is the Men In Black: International Promo Campaign Not Working? 1. What is the one film you probably watch the most and how many times have you seen it? 2. Do you feel lately that movies are “over-trailered”? 3. What’s your favourite football (soccer) film? 4. Have you heard of any movement on the ‘Wildwood’ project since its announcement eight years ago by LAIKA? And more importantly, could the production of a fantastically dark existing I.P be the key to Laika’s return to profitability given its accessible plot and franchise potential? 5. What scores/soundtracks are the best for background music in various social settings? Follow Rocha: Follow Dorina: