Episode 34: Punisher War Zone
Cult 45: The Movie Podcast - Podcast autorstwa Cult 45: The Movie Podcast - Niedziele

This episode, in the spirit of the Daredevil season 2, we chose Punisher War Zone. Get your guns and NRA membership ready as Bdemdown, Mr. Being Black, and Sonny Chipz lock and load in this review. YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9RVH1igdtin8BiCGlHtRLA Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/cult45podcast Theme song "OMG" by _Nameless (twitter: @_nameless) http://nameless.bandcamp.com/ "Skin Deep" by Queztion 7 (Intsagram: __q7__)http://www.soundcloud.com/queztion7/u-aynt-seen-nothyn-mls Body Count" by Young Mustard (instagram: @dolphinteeth) https://soundcloud.com/youngmustard