Podcast eCommerce pe CONCRET: Best of Season 2: MARKETING
eCommerce pe CONCRET - Podcast autorstwa Cosmin Costea
🎙️Pana apare sezonul 4, am primit o multime de mesaje (unul) sa facem un episod de podcast Best of Season 2 Marketing. Si aici este…
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Best of Season 2, MARKETING
Best of:
Sezon 2 Episodul 1: Despre ce inseamna marketing afiliat si cum sa il faci cu Dorin Boerescu, CEO 2Performant
✅Link Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/7AwW4G9mURQFYOCzdr3RdD
🔴Link Youtube: https://youtu.be/6oRIGyriR4Y
Sezon 2 Episod 4: Despre marketing ca materie de studiu cu Cosmin Olteanu, Conferentiar Universitar Doctor, UniBuc, Coordonator domeniul Marketing
✅Link Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1gov5iPM0bxFmV0e7LjSA8
🔴Link Youtube: https://youtu.be/zMyOWtqaB94
Sezon 2 Episod 7: Despre parcursul de la prima comanda online la 1500 de comenzi pe zi, cu Nicolae Slav, CEO dEpurtat.ro
✅Link Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/7equpNS28OGZMStM3OxVi5
🔴Link Youtube: https://youtu.be/fh8msE9gsSE
Sezon 2 Episod 6: Despre Produsele Bio si cum sa le vinzi Online cu Ciprian Stancu, co-fondator Republica BIO
✅Link Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/34IUjCtceqJlxGni8BYzjf
🔴Link Youtube: https://youtu.be/dw9ud5rgbXs
#commerce #podcast #digitalmarketing #ecommasters #spotify