How To Overcome Fears Using A 100-Year-Old Psychology Technique – Justin Stenstrom (Ep. 389)
Elite Man Podcast - Podcast autorstwa Justin Stenstrom

Justin Stenstrom, health expert and founder of Elite Life Nutrition, joins our show in this special episode of the Elite Man Podcast! In today’s episode Justin talks about a 100-year-old psychology technique and whether not this can help you overcome your fears and achieve success in life. *Download this episode now and subscribe to our channel to get more of these amazing interviews! In our episode we go over: • The founder of this 100-year-old psychological technique • The boy who feared rabbits • Mary Cover Jones and her brilliant hypothesis • Johannes Graffe and his team of researchers studying the brain • The role of engrams and what they mean for human conditioning • Overcoming your fears and phobias and finding success Check out Justin on: Website: YouTube: Tik Tok: Instagram: