243. The Key to a Great Business Plan

Empire Building - Podcast autorstwa Keller Podcast Network - Poniedziałki


If you’re like us, you probably have a team meeting on your calendar in the next couple of weeks to set the business plan for the new year. In this episode, we share what you need to do to prepare for that meeting so you can be a decisive, visionary leader.We give you tactics for getting your mindset right, revisiting your goals, and recasting your vision. Many people know that business planning meetings are important, but few understand the steps that leaders need to take ahead of time to maximize them.So, put a new appointment on your calendar before the team meeting. Then, work through the steps we outline in this episode. This intentional time to prepare for the business plan meeting will help you create more joy and sustainability for yourself and your team.Resources:Learn more about Her Best Life Empire CircleConnect on Instagram:Seychelle Van Poole: @seychellevpSarah Reynolds: @sarahreynoldsojiWendy Papasan: @wendypapasanKymber Lovett-Menkiti: @kymbermenkitiTiffany Fykes: @tiffanyfykesProduced by NOVA MediaThis podcast is for general informational purposes only. The guest's views, thoughts, and opinions represent those of the guest and not KWRI and its affiliates and should not be construed as financial, economic, legal, tax, or other advice. This podcast is provided without any warranty, or guarantee of its accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or results from using the information.Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands

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