255. From Real Estate to Business Acquisitions with Bekki Lowrance

Empire Building - Podcast autorstwa Keller Podcast Network - Poniedziałki


Are you thinking about buying a business but not sure where to start? In today’s episode, we’re joined by Bekki Lowrance, an expert business owner and buyer who has successfully transitioned from real estate to buying and scaling multiple businesses.Bekki shares the story of her journey—how she went from taking anything that came her way in real estate to becoming highly selective in her business ventures. She discusses the mindset shift that allowed her to focus on business acquisitions, and how she now buys companies that align with her family’s values and long-term goals.If you're ready to take the leap into buying businesses or scaling your empire, this episode will give you the clarity and motivation you need to get started.Resources:Follow Bekki on Instagram: @bekkilowranceCheck out Her Best LifeConnect on Instagram:Seychelle Van Poole: @seychellevpSarah Reynolds: @sarahreynoldsojiWendy Papasan: @wendypapasanKymber Lovett-Menkiti: @kymbermenkitiTiffany Fykes: @tiffanyfykesProduced by NOVAThis podcast is for general informational purposes only. The guest's views, thoughts, and opinions represent those of the guest and not KWRI and its affiliates and should not be construed as financial, economic, legal, tax, or other advice. This podcast is provided without any warranty, or guarantee of its accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or results from using the information.Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands

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