Fear of the Main Thread with Matt Masicotte
Empower Apps - Podcast autorstwa Leo Dion, Principal CEO and Swift Developer at BrightDigit

Matt Masicotte comes on the show to clear up all our misconceptions about concurrency in Swift 6. 😑GuestMatt Massicotte - @[email protected] | I write stuff here.Matt Massicotte (@massicotte.org) — Blueskymattmassicotte (Matt Massicotte)Matt Massicotte | LinkedInMatt Massicotte (@mattie) / XAnnouncementsBrightDigit 103 - 🎁 Early Black Friday Deals50% off first year of Bushel Pro25% off Patreon Membership - Use Code 64632Join Bushel BetaJoin our Brand New Patreon Page!Newsletters | BrightDigitLinks[Pitch] Inherit isolation by default for async functions - Evolution / Pitches - Swift ForumsSwift concurrency: Behind the scenes - WWDC21 - Videos - Apple DeveloperConcurrency Step-by-Step: A Network RequestConcurrency Step-by-Step: Reading from StorageMaking Mistakes with Swift ConcurrencyBeing Sendable with SwiftDataSwift 6 Incomplete Migration Guide for DummiesUsing ModelActor in SwiftDataNon-Sendable types are cool too you knowProblematic Swift Concurrency PatternsSE-0430: sending parameter and result valuesSE-0431: @isolated(any) Function TypesSE-0434: Usability of global-actor-isolated typesSo how does this whole @preconcurrency thing work?Related EpisodesAsync, Await, and Combine with Marin TodorovAwaiting for Async with Vincent PradeillesEdge of Concurrency with Matt MassicotteOpen and Extensible with Matt MassicottePractical Year - Part 1 with Donny WalsPractical Year - Part 2 with Donny WalsThe Case of the Crimson Test Suite with Daniel SteinbergWWDC Notes with Cihat GündüzSocial [email protected] - @brightdigitTwitter BrightDigit - @brightdigitLeo - @leogdionLinkedInBrightDigitLeoPatreon - brightdigitCreditsMusic from https://filmmusic.io"Blippy Trance" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) (00:00) - Concurrency in Swift 6: Challenges and Adoption (16:47) - Swift 6.1 (25:47) - Understanding Sendable Types (36:31) - Future of Swift and Xcode Enhancements Thanks to our monthly supporters Maurizio Bracchitta Edward Sanchez Satoshi Mitsumori Steven Lipton ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★