Episode 254: EwK254 - Adrian Probst on creating content in an additional language

English with Kirsty - Podcast autorstwa Kirsty Major


Sometimes advice like “feel the fear and do it anyway” or “just start and see what happens” doesn’t work. You need a more structured plan to give you the confidence to create and launch something new.This is how today’s guest approached his idea to start a YouTube channel in English. He made a plan, created the content, and finally gave himself time to make sure that it was what he wanted before releasing it out into the world.It’s easy to look at successful, well-known content creators and to think that they’ve always been doing that – but every story has a beginning. Today Adrian Probst shares his content creation story with us.We talked about:🎙 Adrian’s language story and why he chose a career in the language industry🎙 Why Adrian created his Youtube channel the Freelanceverse for freelance translators and language professionals🎙 Adrians thought process around creating the channel, why he decided to do it in English, how he made his plan, and then how he began showing the content to others🎙 How different parts of Adrian’s personality come out as he uses his different languages to communicate.🎙 Adrian’s advice for other people who want to start something new or to create content in an additional languageDo you have ideas for a new content creation project? Will it also be in an additional language? If it would help with your accountability, let us know about it in the comments!You can listen to our conversation herehttps://englishwithkirsty.com/podcast/episode254/and this is Adrian's YouTube channel https://youtube.com/@Freelanceverse

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