Bergen's Magical Christmas: A Family Reunion Rediscovered

Fluent Fiction - Norwegian - Podcast autorstwa


Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Bergen's Magical Christmas: A Family Reunion Rediscovered Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Nb: Snøen dalte sakte ned mot Bergens hustak.En: The snow was slowly falling onto the rooftops of Bergen.Nb: Luften var kald og frisk.En: The air was cold and fresh.Nb: Ingrid sto i kjøkkenvinduet og kikket ut.En: Ingrid stood in the kitchen window, looking out.Nb: Hun gledet seg til å se familien igjen.En: She was excited to see the family again.Nb: Det var mange år siden de alle var samlet i det gamle huset.En: It had been many years since they were all gathered in the old house.Nb: Erik kom inn i stuen.En: Erik entered the living room.Nb: Han bar en kasse med julepynt.En: He was carrying a box with Christmas decorations.Nb: "Er alle snart her?"En: "Is everyone almost here?"Nb: spurte han.En: he asked.Nb: "Ja," sa Ingrid med et smil.En: "Yes," said Ingrid with a smile.Nb: "Kari er på vei med toget.En: "Kari is on the train.Nb: Hun kommer om en time."En: She will arrive in an hour."Nb: De gamle trehusene i Bergen var dekket i snø.En: The old wooden houses in Bergen were covered in snow.Nb: Vi ser et tynt lag på hustakene og langs gatene.En: We could see a thin layer on the rooftops and along the streets.Nb: Det var en ro i byen som bare kom med julen.En: There was a peace in the city that only came with Christmas.Nb: Ingrid og Erik begynte å pynte juletreet.En: Ingrid and Erik began decorating the Christmas tree.Nb: De hengte opp gamle kuler og glitter.En: They hung up old ornaments and tinsel.Nb: Barna løp rundt i huset.En: The children ran around the house.Nb: Stemningen var glad og fredelig.En: The atmosphere was joyful and peaceful.Nb: Ingrid husket barndommens julefeiringer.En: Ingrid remembered the Christmas celebrations from her childhood.Nb: Bestemors gamle julesanger fylte alltid huset.En: Grandma’s old Christmas songs always filled the house.Nb: Dampen fra toget steg opp mot himmelen.En: Steam from the train rose up towards the sky.Nb: Kari steg av toget med en koffert og en stor pose med gaver.En: Kari stepped off the train with a suitcase and a large bag of presents.Nb: Hun så seg rundt på den kjente stasjonen.En: She looked around at the familiar station.Nb: Hjertet hennes banket fortere av forventning.En: Her heart was beating faster with anticipation.Nb: Ingrid hørte dørklokken.En: Ingrid heard the doorbell.Nb: Hun åpnet døren og der sto Kari med et stort smil.En: She opened the door and there stood Kari with a big smile.Nb: "God jul, Ingrid!"En: "Merry Christmas, Ingrid!"Nb: sa Kari og ga henne en varm klem.En: said Kari and gave her a warm hug.Nb: "God jul, Kari!En: "Merry Christmas, Kari!Nb: Kom inn, kom inn," sa Ingrid og førte henne inn i stuen.En: Come in, come in," said Ingrid and led her into the living room.Nb: Erik reiste seg og gikk bort til Kari.En: Erik got up and walked over to Kari.Nb: "Det er godt å se deg igjen," sa han og tok hånden hennes.En: "It’s good to see you again," he said and took her hand.Nb: De satte seg rundt spisebordet.En: They sat around the dining table.

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