Braving the Storm: A Day in the Life of Bergen's Fishermen
Fluent Fiction - Norwegian - Podcast autorstwa
Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Braving the Storm: A Day in the Life of Bergen's Fishermen Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Nb: Det var en kald morgen i Bergen.En: It was a cold morning in Bergen.Nb: Havet lå rolig, og måkene svevde over brygga.En: The sea lay calm, and seagulls glided over the pier.Nb: Lars, Ingrid og Kari var klare for en ny arbeidsdag på fiskebåten.En: Lars, Ingrid, and Kari were ready for another workday on the fishing boat.Nb: Lars var kapteinen.En: Lars was the captain.Nb: Han var en høy mann med grått skjegg og vennlige øyne.En: He was a tall man with a gray beard and kind eyes.Nb: Ingrid og Kari var hans kollegaer.En: Ingrid and Kari were his colleagues.Nb: Ingrid var sterk og rask.En: Ingrid was strong and quick.Nb: Kari var god til å reparere garn og motorer.En: Kari was good at repairing nets and engines.Nb: De jobbet godt sammen.En: They worked well together.Nb: De tre vennene gikk om bord på båten.En: The three friends boarded the boat.Nb: "Er vi klare?" spurte Lars.En: "Are we ready?" asked Lars.Nb: Ingrid og Kari nikket og smilte.En: Ingrid and Kari nodded and smiled.Nb: De likte jobben sin.En: They liked their job.Nb: Havet var deres hjem.En: The sea was their home.Nb: Båten forlot brygga og seilte ut på havet.En: The boat left the pier and sailed out to sea.Nb: "Fiskestimen er nær holmen," sa Lars.En: "The school of fish is near the islet," said Lars.Nb: Han pekte mot horisonten.En: He pointed towards the horizon.Nb: Ingrid kastet garnet i vannet.En: Ingrid cast the net into the water.Nb: Kari sto klar med bøtter og kroker.En: Kari stood ready with buckets and hooks.Nb: Plutselig begynte det å blåse.En: Suddenly, the wind began to blow.Nb: Bølgene ble større.En: The waves grew larger.Nb: Båten gynget og ristet.En: The boat rocked and shook.Nb: "Hold dere fast!" ropte Lars.En: "Hold on tight!" shouted Lars.Nb: Ingrid grep tak i rekkverket.En: Ingrid grabbed the railing.Nb: Kari prøvde å holde balansen.En: Kari tried to keep her balance.Nb: En stor bølge slo mot båten.En: A big wave crashed against the boat.Nb: Garnet røk.En: The net snapped.Nb: "Hva gjør vi nå?" ropte Ingrid.En: "What do we do now?" shouted Ingrid.Nb: Kari løp til Lars.En: Kari ran to Lars.Nb: "Vi må finne en løsning," sa hun.En: "We need to find a solution," she said.Nb: Lars tenkte raskt.En: Lars thought quickly.Nb: "Vi bruker reservegarnet," sa han.En: "We’ll use the spare net," he said.Nb: Kari hentet garnet fra lasterommet.En: Kari fetched the net from the storage room.Nb: Ingrid kastet det i vannet igjen.En: Ingrid cast it into the water again.Nb: Bølgene roet seg etter hvert.En: The waves eventually calmed down.Nb: De dro opp garnet og fant mye fisk.En: They pulled up the net and found lots of fish.Nb: Fiskene glitret i sollyset.En: The fish glistened in the sunlight.Nb: "Vi klarte det," sa Lars med et stort smil.En: "We did it," said Lars with a big smile.Nb: Ingrid og Kari jublet.En: Ingrid and Kari cheered.Nb: "Vi er et...