Finding Friendship in Fall: Lars' Journey at Ålesund Elementary
Fluent Fiction - Norwegian - Podcast autorstwa
Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Finding Friendship in Fall: Lars' Journey at Ålesund Elementary Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Nb: Det var en klar, krisp høstmorgen på Ålesund barneskole.En: It was a clear, crisp autumn morning at Ålesund Elementary School.Nb: Bladene danset i lufta med sine røde og gylne farger.En: Leaves danced in the air with their red and golden colors.Nb: Skolegården var full av liv, med barn som lekte og lo.En: The schoolyard was full of life, with children playing and laughing.Nb: Det var Lars sin første dag på den nye skolen.En: It was Lars' first day at the new school.Nb: Han sto stille og så på alle de nye ansiktene.En: He stood still, watching all the new faces.Nb: Lars følte seg litt nervøs.En: Lars felt a bit nervous.Nb: Han var en sjenert gutt, bare åtte år gammel.En: He was a shy boy, only eight years old.Nb: Han elsket å tegne, men fant det vanskelig å få nye venner.En: He loved to draw but found it difficult to make new friends.Nb: I klasserommet snakket læreren om dagens planer, men Lars tenkte på hvordan han kunne finne noen som likte tegning like mye som ham.En: In the classroom, the teacher talked about the day's plans, but Lars was thinking about how he could find someone who liked drawing as much as he did.Nb: Ved siden av satt Ingrid.En: Beside him sat Ingrid.Nb: Hun var populær blant klassekameratene og full av selvtillit.En: She was popular among her classmates and full of confidence.Nb: Hun så på Lars og lurte på hvorfor han var så stille.En: She looked at Lars, wondering why he was so quiet.Nb: Når friminuttet kom, samlet de fleste barna seg på lekeplassen.En: When recess came, most of the children gathered on the playground.Nb: Lars tok med seg skisseboken sin og fant et rolig sted under et tre i utkanten av skolegården.En: Lars took his sketchbook and found a quiet spot under a tree at the edge of the schoolyard.Nb: Her var det lettere å konsentrere seg.En: It was easier to concentrate there.Nb: Han begynte å tegne de vakre høstbladene som hadde falt til bakken.En: He started to draw the beautiful autumn leaves that had fallen to the ground.Nb: Ingrid så Lars sitte under treet med tegneboken sin.En: Ingrid saw Lars sitting under the tree with his sketchbook.Nb: Hun ble nysgjerrig og bestemte seg for å gå bort til ham.En: She became curious and decided to approach him.Nb: "Hva tegner du?"En: "What are you drawing?"Nb: spurte hun vennlig.En: she asked kindly.Nb: Lars så opp fra skisseboken og smilte forsiktig.En: Lars looked up from the sketchbook and smiled cautiously.Nb: "Jeg tegner bladene," svarte han.En: "I'm drawing the leaves," he replied.Nb: Ingrid satte seg ved siden av ham.En: Ingrid sat down next to him.Nb: "De er veldig fine," sa hun, mens hun så på tegningene hans med ekte interesse.En: "They are very nice," she said, looking at his drawings with genuine interest.Nb: De to snakket om tegningene, og Lars ble litt mer komfortabel.En: The two talked about the drawings, and Lars became a bit more comfortable.Nb: Ingrid fortalte at hun også likte å tegne, men aldri hadde tatt seg tid til det på skolen.En: Ingrid shared that she also liked to draw but had never taken the time to do it at school.