Sofie's Tech Adventures in the Autonomous City of Bergen
Fluent Fiction - Norwegian - Podcast autorstwa
Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Sofie's Tech Adventures in the Autonomous City of Bergen Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Nb: Sofie satt på en benk langs Bryggen i Bergen og så på båtene.En: Sofie sat on a bench along the Bryggen in Bergen, watching the boats.Nb: Det var ikke vanlige båter, men autonome båter.En: These weren't ordinary boats; they were autonomous.Nb: De kjørte selv.En: They drove themselves.Nb: Det var også mange droner over hodet hennes. Dronene leverte varer til folk.En: There were also many drones above her head, delivering goods to people.Nb: En dag gikk Sofie langs kaien og oppdaget en liten båt som hadde stoppet.En: One day, Sofie was walking along the quay and discovered a small boat that had stopped.Nb: Den var full av pakker.En: It was full of packages.Nb: Ingen kom for å hjelpe båten.En: No one came to help the boat.Nb: Sofie tenkte: "Hva kan jeg gjøre?".En: Sofie thought: "What can I do?"Nb: Hun så på båten og fant en knapp.En: She looked at the boat and found a button.Nb: På knappen sto det "Hjelp".En: On the button, it said "Help."Nb: Sofie trykket på knappen.En: Sofie pressed the button.Nb: Plutselig kom en stor drone og svevde over båten.En: Suddenly, a large drone appeared, hovering over the boat.Nb: Dronen løftet båten ut av vannet og fløy mot et lager.En: The drone lifted the boat out of the water and flew towards a warehouse.Nb: Sofie smilte.En: Sofie smiled.Nb: Hun hadde gjort noe viktig.En: She had done something important.Nb: Fortsatt gikk hun videre.En: She continued walking.Nb: Hun så andre folk på Bryggen.En: She saw other people at the Bryggen.Nb: Alle var opptatt med autonome båter og droner.En: Everyone was busy with autonomous boats and drones.Nb: Byen var moderne.En: The city was modern.Nb: Alt var så raskt og effektivt.En: Everything was so fast and efficient.Nb: Sofie tenkte tilbake på den tiden da folk måtte kjøre båtene selv og bære tunge pakker.En: Sofie thought back to the time when people had to drive the boats themselves and carry heavy packages.Nb: Helt innerst i havnen så Sofie en kvinne som vinket.En: At the very end of the harbor, Sofie saw a woman waving.Nb: Hun het Emma.En: Her name was Emma.Nb: Emma jobbet med dronene.En: Emma worked with the drones.Nb: Hun visste alt om hvordan de fungerte.En: She knew everything about how they operated.Nb: Sofie gikk bort til henne og spurte: "Hvordan styres båtene og dronene?".En: Sofie walked over to her and asked, "How are the boats and drones controlled?"Nb: Emma smilte og svarte: "Det er enkel teknologi.En: Emma smiled and replied, "It's simple technology.Nb: Alt er programmert av datamaskiner.En: Everything is programmed by computers.Nb: Båtene vet hvor de skal kjøre, og dronene vet hvor de skal fly.En: The boats know where to go, and the drones know where to fly.Nb: Men noen ganger trenger de litt hjelp, som i dag."En: But sometimes they need a little help, like today."Nb: Sofie var imponert.En: Sofie was impressed.Nb: "Kan jeg lære mer om dette?" spurte hun.En: "Can I learn more about this?" she asked.Nb: Emma nikket.En: Emma nodded.