Vigeland Park Awakening: A Journey of Vulnerability and Strength
Fluent Fiction - Norwegian - Podcast autorstwa
Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Vigeland Park Awakening: A Journey of Vulnerability and Strength Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Nb: Solen skinte sterkt over Vigeland Park, hvor folk flokket rundt de imponerende skulpturene.En: The sun shone brightly over Vigeland Park, where people flocked around the impressive sculptures.Nb: Barn løp leende mellom figurene, mens voksne stoppet for å beundre kunsten.En: Children ran laughing between the figures, while adults stopped to admire the art.Nb: Blomster duftet søtt i den milde sommerluften, og fuglene kvitret muntert.En: Flowers scented the mild summer air sweetly, and birds chirped cheerfully.Nb: Midt i dette livlige miljøet vandret Lars og Ingrid, sakte men stødig.En: Amid this lively environment, Lars and Ingrid strolled, slowly but steadily.Nb: Lars, en pensjonert skolelærer med en sterk interesse for historie, hadde en målsetning for dagen.En: Lars, a retired schoolteacher with a strong interest in history, had a goal for the day.Nb: Han ville bevise at han kunne klare den lange turen gjennom parken, tross den nylige hjerte-diagnosen.En: He wanted to prove that he could manage the long walk through the park despite his recent heart diagnosis.Nb: Lars bar på en frykt for å bli en byrde, noe han aldri hadde delt med Ingrid.En: Lars carried a fear of becoming a burden, something he had never shared with Ingrid.Nb: "Er du klar for Monolitten, pappa?"En: "Are you ready for the Monolith, Dad?"Nb: spurte Ingrid med et smil, mens de passerte en gruppe turister som tok bilder.En: Ingrid asked with a smile as they passed a group of tourists taking pictures.Nb: "Selvfølgelig," svarte Lars, noe anstrengt.En: "Of course," Lars replied, somewhat strained.Nb: Smerten som spredte seg gjennom brystet hans begynte å bli merkbar, men han ristet den av seg.En: The pain spreading through his chest was becoming noticeable, but he shook it off.Nb: "Det er en vakker dag," la han til, i et forsøk på å skjule uroen sin.En: "It's a beautiful day," he added, attempting to hide his anxiety.Nb: Ingrid likte å støtte sin far i hans små eventyr.En: Ingrid enjoyed supporting her father in his little adventures.Nb: Hennes bekymring for Lars var alltid tilstedeværende, men hun ønsket å respektere hans uavhengighet.En: Her concern for Lars was ever-present, but she wanted to respect his independence.Nb: Likevel, hun kunne ikke ignorere farens stadig blekere ansikt.En: Still, she couldn't ignore her father's increasingly pale face.Nb: Halvveis gjennom deres tur begynte Lars å bremse ned betydelig.En: Halfway through their walk, Lars began to slow down considerably.Nb: Ved Monolitten, med de lange skygger kastet av solen, snublet Lars plutselig og falt om.En: At the Monolith, with the long shadows cast by the sun, Lars suddenly stumbled and collapsed.Nb: Folk stimlet sammen, og et anstrøk av panikk spredte seg gjennom mengden.En: People gathered around, and a touch of panic spread through the crowd.Nb: Ingrid kastet seg ned ved sin fars side.En: Ingrid threw herself down by her father's side.Nb: "Pappa!En: "Dad!Nb: Er du ok?"En: Are you okay?"Nb: ropte hun desperat, mens hun støttet ham opp.En: she shouted desperately, as she supported him.Nb: Lars pustet tungt, men han så opp på datteren med en blanding...