59. Build a Life Full of Personal Freedom and Wealth with Shanda Sumpter

Get Yourself Optimized - Podcast autorstwa Stephan Spencer - Czwartki

Shanda Sumpter is the founder of HeartCore Business.  She is passionate about helping people build businesses that don’t burn them out.  She is a coach, speaker, and author.  Shanda’s book is called Core Calling: How to Build a Business That Gives You a Freedom Lifestyle in 2 Years or Less!  She is also the creator of the wildly popular Zone Event.   When Shanda started her career in the commercial real-estate business with Coldwell Banker, she used emails to build a 170-million-dollar real-estate empire in just fourteen months.  Five years ago she headed out on her own and started her own business, which she has grown to over five million dollars in sales and 121,000 names on her email list.  Shanda is a self-proclaimed “recovering workaholic” who has bucked the work-till-you-drop mentality, to build a business that gives her the freedom to spend time with her partner, Ash, and her son, Zack; travel the world; and take time to enjoy life.  Shanda has taught thousands of entrepreneurs around the world to build businesses they love and live a freedom lifestyle, working on their own terms.    Connect with Shanda Sumpter at: www.heartcorebusiness.com/about/ or  @HeartCoreWomen on Twitter You'll Learn: 01:52 – Shanda talks with us about what a freedom lifestyle means. 03:48 – She tells us, “Freedom, for me, is truly spending time intimately with people but also making a huge difference in the world and making more than enough money than you could possibly spend.” 07:18 – We hear about Shanda’s use of “flex time” and how that has evolved over time.  She explains how endurance training both changed how she “flexed”  but also helped her become a strong finisher in every part of her life. 09:57 – We discuss how the logistics of flex time work for Shanda every month, including using email autoresponders; specific voice-mail messages; and being unavailable for calls, texts, and emails. 12:20 – Shanda tells us why HeartCore Business offers paid, unlimited vacation to their employees, and why that works so well. 13:35 – We hear how working as a team is the way that everyone, including Shanda, in her company is able to take the time off they need to stay refreshed and at the top of their game. 15:42 – Stephan asked how to answer listeners who think this type of flexibility is impossible for their business and life. 16:51 – Shanda stresses, “My company didn’t grow because I worked harder; my company grew because I actually broke the scarcity in my mindset by changing my schedule like this.” 18:05 – Shanda relates stories of clients who have experienced great changes in their professional and personal lives by adopting flex time. 23:30 – We hear how abundance comes from creating a plan and a schedule that works to serve you. 23:58 – Stephan and Shanda discuss the benefit of doing “tempos,” intense times (90 days) of doing very specific projects several times a year, and why you can actually make more money by doing less overall and doing more in targeted areas. 25:00 - We hear Shanda’s excitement about The Zone Event.   27:42 – Shanda tells us her experience of starting her business, working seven days a week, and only making $2000 profit for the whole year.  She explains how being strategic with her time has grown her company to five million dollars last year in sales, with a 35-37% profit margin. 30:08 – We get into the importance of taking care of our physical and spiritual needs, and being generous with our resources.   31:34 – Shanda tells us how the Bible has become her favorite personal-development book. 33:42 – We get into the technical marketing side of The Zone Event and talk about “swipe files” and “evergreen webinars.” 37:20 – Shanda talks to us about creating a consulting or coaching company and why she believes “the most powerful coaching/consulting business on the planet is the one your life has already taught you.” 42:49 – She tells us about the four coaches she currently has in her life. 43:22 – We hear of the value of finding the areas in your life that you are resistant to and moving toward those areas. 44:33 – Shanda talks about the size of her team at HeartCore Business, how they work together, how they stay motivated, and how they are compensated.   48:38 – She tells us about her company’s process of reviewing their work throughout the year and says, “Wealth is built by retaining clients; it’s not built on just getting them.” 49:22 – Stephan and Shanda begin to talk about insurance as a wealth-building tool. 51:34 – Stephan reminds listeners of the Optimized Geek, Episode #32, with Ray Poteet, about being your own bank and setting up Infinite Banking.  53:53 – Stephan talks about types of insurance, including Key-Man, Errors & Omission, Disability, Travel, Liability, Medical, and Life insurance. Links and Resources: HeartCore Business Core Calling: How to Build a Business That Gives You a Freedom Lifestyle in 2 Years or Less! The Zone Event Optimized Geek, Episode #32, with Ray Poteet  David J. D'arcangelo Thank you for listening! As always, thank you for tuning in. Please feel free to contact me or leave a comment. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it! - Stephan

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