64. Finding Happiness Through Awareness of the Blessings in Your Life with Anil Gupta

Get Yourself Optimized - Podcast autorstwa Stephan Spencer - Czwartki

Anil Gupta is far more than simply the author of bestselling book Immediate Happiness, a speaker with appearances on Fox News and at Harvard University (among many others), and a guide with a thriving coaching practice--though those things are all impressive in their own right! More importantly, he is a powerful catalyst for change. He focuses on helping people who feel blocked or are in pain find their own happiness and overflowing abundance. And, as he explains in this interview, doing so doesn’t require any huge external changes. Instead, it’s all about changes you can make within yourself. Anil generously gives listeners a plethora of valuable information in this podcast, sharing tools that you can use to increase your own happiness. Find Out More About Anil Here: Immediatehappiness.com @AnilGinspires on Twitter Immediate Happiness on Facebook In This Episode: [01:42] - What is the secret to happiness? There’s a happiness equation, Anil says. It’s H equals G cubed. The first G is giving, the second G is gratitude, and the third G is growth. [03:52] - Amil explains that one can be giving without being grateful; you can strengthen each one individually. [05:15] - Focusing on others can reduce our own pain. Anil gives us an example featuring a little kid. [07:15] - How can we raise our awareness? [08:16] - Anil talks more about “becoming aware of being aware.” [09:52] - Anil explains how he increases his happiness by looking around and seeing how he can find enjoyment in his current environment. He uses the example of a squirrel. [11:40] - Our host Stephan shares a squirrel story of his own. A common thread between the two squirrel stories is the enthusiasm of children. [13:54] - Stephan asks Anil to clarify whether he means we shouldn’t have emotional attachment to anyone. Anil explains that you can still have love for people without necessarily having attachment, and can then respond rather than react to events. [15:16] - Anil explains how to reduce the fear that can interfere with love. [16:38] - What specific exercise can someone do if they’re creating meaning for something that doesn’t have any (for example, believing that a spouse’s choice not to return a phone call means that the spouse doesn’t love or honor them)? A series of self-questions can help you let go of the situation. [19:35] - We learn more information on ways to handle and overcome fear via a list of questions. [21:45] - Anil talks listeners through an exercise that he used to help our host and his fiancee several years ago. [24:10] - Anil responds to Stephan’s question of what he does to make his own wife feel special, first jokingly and then seriously. [25:02] - It’s all about intent, Anil explains. He goes into details about why, using a hypothetical example about pushing his wife down to the ground. [26:48] - We hear Anil’s thoughts on the difference between the Golden Rule and the Platinum Rule. [27:27] - Anil discusses how not to raise spoiled children--or, in his positive spin, he discusses how to raise positive souls. [30:26] - Love isn’t the greatest gift we can give our kids; instead, it’s the ability to handle life. [33:21] - Anil tells us more about the process of their dinnertime meetings, especially the significance of alternating the role of meeting leader. Stephan elaborates on this, giving a real-world example of his own. [36:56] - We learn more about Anil’s recommendations for how often to perform the dinner table exercise that he mentioned in the context of raising beautiful souls. [38:12] - How can you stay connected with your children even once they’re grown and out of the house? [41:06] - Anil explains his thoughts on the concept of EQ (emotional intelligence). [43:08] - The similarities between his perspectives and Buddhism are “just common sense,” Anil tells us. [44:19] - Anil gives us another exercise: writing down your accomplishments. [46:53] - Positive incantations or affirmations can be a powerful tool. Anil suggests saying positive things to yourself about your own value during the course of the day. [47:40] - Anil doesn’t have a productivity regiment--in fact, he’s very disorganized. He finds this gives him more freedom. Links and Resources: Immediatehappiness.com@AnilGinspires on TwitterImmediate Happiness on FacebookImmediate HappinessMy Happiness ScoreKabbalahTony RobbinsEmotional intelligenceBuddhism

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