004: What To Do When Leaders Won't Listen and Other Questions...

Habits of Leadership - Podcast autorstwa Cut Through Coaching


In this episode, Dan & Tim take on questions from the listening community around what books they would recommend, how to increase engagement in school communities, and what to do when leaders don't want to change the way they behave despite their teams complaints.  Books we recommend. Drive by Dan Pink Primal Leadership by Daniel Goleman Mindset by Carol Dweck The Fearless Organisation by Amy Edmondsen Legacy by James Kerr The Coaching Habit by Michael Bungay Stanier Useful Resource for Parental Engagement Involve Us from the DECD South Australia One more book... What got you here won't get you there - Marshall Goldsmith The other podcast Tim mentions Humble Leadership with Edgar Shein Find out more about our work at https://habitsofleadership.com/ and head over to the podcast page to leave us a question, insight or to suggest a guest for a future episode. 

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