008: Women in Educational Leadership with Dr Barbara Watterston
Habits of Leadership - Podcast autorstwa Cut Through Coaching

In this episode Dan talks with Dr Barbara Watterston about her new book Step In, Step Up - Empowering Women for the School Leadership Journey. In a profession where the overwhelming majority of teachers are female, why is there a disproportionate amount of male school leaders? In this chat Dr Watterston explores some of the barriers women face as well as some suggestions as to how individuals and schools can address this. Dr Watterston is an advocate for women in leadership. She sees the lack of representation of women in leadership roles as missing out on the incredible potential of women to influence and positively impact reforms and outcomes. She has been recognised for her contribution to leadership and professional learning. She was the inaugural recipient of the Women of Achievement Award (Western Australia, 2005), is an honorary fellow of the Melbourne Graduate School of Education and is a national fellow of the Australian Council for Educational Leaders. Her expertise is regularly sought out to contribute in an advisory capacity as a member of numerous university, departmental, school and professional boards. Her book Step In, Step Up - Empowering Women for the School Leadership Journey is available at: https://www.hbe.com.au/barbara-watterston.html And you can follow her on Twitter at: @BarbKW If you find this useful, please remember to share, like, comment and subscribe! If you'd like to submit a question, find out more about what we do, or suggest a guest for the show, then please head over to https://habitsofleadership.com/podcast/