040: Chatting With the Late Sir Ken Robinson

Habits of Leadership - Podcast autorstwa Cut Through Coaching


In this episode, Dan shares the audio of an interview he recorded with the late Sir Ken Robinson several years ago.  Sir Ken Robinson PhD died on the 21st August 2020 after a short battle with cancer. A New York Times bestselling author, he led national and international projects on creative and cultural education across the world, unlocking and igniting the creative energy of people and organisations. Sir Ken was the most watched speaker in TED’s history, with his 2006 talk ‘Do Schools Kill Creativity?’ being viewed online over 60 million times. You can listen to another interview between Dan & Sir Ken on Episode 5 of the Habits of Leadership.  http://sirkenrobinson.com/ Don't forget you can find out more about our work and submit questions and suggestions for topics and guests for upcoming shows at: https://habitsofleadership.com/podcast/

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