073: Tackling Stress and Burnout with Sophie Scott

Habits of Leadership - Podcast autorstwa Cut Through Coaching


In this episode Tim sits down with Sophie Scott to explore techniques and tools we can use to tackle stress and burnout in the moment. Having written two critically acclaimed books, and received numerous awards including the Australian Museum Eureka prize for medical journalism, Sophie is a highly respected and sought after health presenter. She's the national medical reporter for the ABC, with her stories appearing on ABC news, 7.30, ABC radio and online. You can find out more about Sophie and her work at: https://www.sophiescott.com.au/   You can access the Time & Choice Management Coaching Session we mention here: https://cutthroughhq.com/time-management/   Don't forget you can find out more about our work and submit questions and suggestions for topics and guests for upcoming shows at: https://habitsofleadership.com/podcast/   And please don't forget to like, comment, share & subscribe!

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