10. Red Pill Junkie and the role of the artist

hidden experience audio - Podcast autorstwa Mike Clelland

Red Pill Junkie is a pseudonym. Don’t tell anyone, but his real name is Miguel, and he lives in Mexico City. Like me, he's an illustrator and cartoonist. Miguel was involved with a remarkable project. He illustrated a set of Tarot cards, where the major arcana were represented by characters from UFO history. This project is at the heart of our conversation. We talk about creativity, and the role of the artist—and how synchronicity weaves its way through this elusive process. And — there’s a Patreon EXTRA, where we continue our conversation. The links: Miguel did a powerful video presentation about these cards for Ryan Sprague’s ANOMACON conference, linked HERE. See some high-quality images the cards are at THE DAILY GRAIL Red Pill Junkie’s blog HERE. I interviewed Miguel back in 2020 on THE UNSEEN, a show I hosted on Whitley Strieber’s Unknown Country site, linked HERE. Presently, the cards are NOT available online. But, you can order them at this email address: [email protected]

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