Greg Bishop / interview

hidden experience audio - Podcast autorstwa Mike Clelland

This is a wide ranging conversation that goes all over the map. We attempt to make sense out of some of the more elusive topics in the already confusing realm of the UFO phenomenon. Greg is an author of a UFO book without any UFO's. PROJECT BETA is sub-titled: The Story of Paul Bennewitz, National Security, and the Creation of a Modern UFO Myth. It deals with the confusing issues that arise when the government uses UFOs as an aggressive form of disinformation, and how insanity can follow. And just so y'know, we never really mention the book during this interviw. This seems to proove that Greg is not using my humble blog to try and shamelessly promote his book. That said, I feel strongly that you should go out and buy it. We also look into Greg's very own UFO sighting from last month. He saw a curious object sit frozen in the sky despite high winds. (link)

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