JSJ 299: How To Learn JavaScript When You're Not a Developer with Chris Ferdinandi
JavaScript Jabber - Podcast autorstwa Charles M Wood - Wtorki
AJ O’Neal
Joe Eames
Aimee Knight
Special Guests: Chris Ferdinandi
In this episode, JavaScript Jabber panelist speak with Chris Ferdinandi. Chris teaches vanilla JavaScript to beginners and those coming from a design background. Chris mentions his background in Web design and Web Develop that led him JavaScript development. Chris and the JSJ panelist discuss the best ways to learn JavaScript, as well as resources for learning JavaScript. Also, some discussion of technologies that work in conjunction with vanilla JavaScript.
In particular, we dive pretty deep on:
- Teaching JavaScript - Beginners and Design patrons
- Web Design and Web Development
- CSS Tricks
- Todd Motto
- How to do jQuery Things without jQuery
- Doing things like mentors (Todd)
- When JavaScript makes sense.
- CSS is easier to learn then JS?
- Being good at CSS and JS at the same time?
- How about Node developers?
- jRuby, DOM
- Documentation
- And much more!
- https://github.com/cferdinandi
- https://gomakethings.com
- @ChrisFerdinandi
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/cferdinandi
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