#49.【新聞英文】兒子出車禍,竟出現 17 個女友探望... |英文不難
Kevin 英文不難 - Podcast autorstwa Kevin - Wtorki
【線上托福課程】 https://hahow.in/cr/english-great-easy -------------------------------------------------- 透過粉專聯絡我「英文不難」 https://www.facebook.com/english.great -------------------------------------------------- 【單字、句型】 1. background knowledge: 背景知識 ex: Could you provide me some background knowledge? -- 2. a terrible traffic accident ex: Jack was in a terrible traffic accident. -- 3. hospitalized: 住院 ex: My friend was hospitalized because of a broken arm. -- 4. was shocked to find that… ex: I was shocked to find that he was so rich/stupid/smart. -- 5. only the XXX and XXX ex: Only the rich and famous can travel the world. -- 6. not only,… but also… ex: Not only do you have to go to school, but also you have to get good grades. -- 7. to have no idea ex: I had no idea John ate your cake. -- 8. 魅力:charismatic (adj.), charisma (n.) ex: John is very charismatic. John has a lot of charisma. -- 9. I never knew he was so stupid/smart. -- 10. John come to visit Jack in the hospital. -- 11. be furious = very angry -- 12. aged 20 to 40 ex: I date women aged 20 to 40. --------熱門 Podcast------------- 【英語學習技巧系列】 1. #16. 正確閱讀習慣 2. #22.正確聽力練習方式 3. #27【寫作技巧】如何寫出「不爛」的文章? -------- 【片語動詞教學】 1.(#30 的下面)【托福口說系列 #1 】如何用「片語動詞」講出更自然的英文? 2. #33.【英文片語】8 個旅遊常見片語動詞和單字 --------