#52. 去國外買衣服,如何形容材質?6 個英文顏色片語 |英文不難
Kevin 英文不難 - Podcast autorstwa Kevin - Wtorki
【線上托福課程】 https://hahow.in/cr/english-great-easy -------------------------------------------------- 透過粉專聯絡我「英文不難」 https://www.facebook.com/english.great -------------------- 「材質」 cotton: 棉質 denim: 單寧 silk: 絲 wool: 羊毛 *cotton blend: 混合毛 ------------------ velvet: 絨布 satin: 緞質 linen: 亞麻 flannel: 法蘭絨 leather: 皮 suede: 麂皮 *synthetic fiber/polyester: 人造纖維 ------------------ 「顏色」 burgundy: 酒紅 maroon: 褐紫紅 teal: 藍綠色 navy: 深藍色 turquoise: 土耳其藍 off-white: 米白色 khaki: 卡其色 ------------------ 「對話」 Hi, how may I help you? -I'm looking for a teal woolen sweater. -Oh, I'm just looking around. May I try this on? Where is the fitting room? This doesn't fit me. -Do you have the next size up/down? What is this made of? -It's made of 100% cotton. ------------------ 「顏色片語」 1. caught red-handed: 逮個正著 ex: Jack was caught red-handed stealing cookies 2. green thumb: 園藝精湛 ex: My mom has a green thumb. Her garden is gorgeous. Me, I can’t keep a cactus alive. 3. be tickled pink: 很高興 ex: My boss was tickled pink when I told him I made a big sale. 4. black sheep: 害群之馬 ex: John is the black sheep in his basketball team. He is the worst player 5. grey area: 灰色地帶 ex: This is a grey area. It’s not wrong, but it’s frowned upon. 6. golden opportunity: 絕佳機會 ex: Upon hearing 小美’s secret, 小明decided that it was a golden opportunity to ask her on a date. --------熱門 Podcast------------- 【英語學習技巧系列】 1. #16. 正確閱讀習慣 2. #22.正確聽力練習方式 3. #27【寫作技巧】如何寫出「不爛」的文章? -------- 【片語動詞教學】 1.(#30 的下面)【托福口說系列 #1 】如何用「片語動詞」講出更自然的英文? 2. #33.【英文片語】8 個旅遊常見片語動詞和單字 --------