Kevin 英文不難 - Podcast autorstwa Kevin - Wtorki
今天分享兩個有趣的英文故事。各位從故事除了能練習聽口語英文,也可以學到美國人講話常用的片語,像是 break out, take someone out… 本集節目由台新 Richart 贊助 Richart 汪廚快餐車,9/30 (三) 之前開戶+Richart Line官方帳號個人化綁定,能獲得 ”LINE POINTS 100點” 回饋資格喔!還能抽廚房神器,有飛利浦氣炸鍋、Bruno電烤盤。於帳戶申請流程中專屬代碼欄位輸入「Kevin」或是按下方連結直接預登活動吧! >> https://pse.is/U62JF --故事 #1-- One night a gorgeous girl showed up so wasted I could not serve her. Every guy in the bar was trying to buy drinks for her and take her home. I refused to serve her. Period. I told her to either call someone to pick her up, or I would call her a cab, but she wasn't drinking at my bar. At that point she becomes a liability, she could barely stand. Her mother shows up and they proceed to have a fist fight in front of the bar. I was so astounded that her mother punched her; we broke it up and I put the poor girl in a cab and sent her on. --故事 #2-- One night at closing, I had two drunk dudes finishing their drinks and I allowed them to do so while I go through my closing duties. They were pretty chill and jovial throughout the night so I wasn't worried about them. I went to dump the trash and came back to them braking out lines of coke on the bar. I walked up, blew it off the bar and told them it was time to get out. Seriously, who the F thinks that's a good idea? Go do that in the bathroom like everyone else, have some respect for yourself. ---- 想分享給不是 iPhone 的朋友? Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7wqKj2KnfHXLRa8AaIeyOn?si=LN_qcoh_QxarV_mviudPBw KKBOX: https://podcast.kkbox.com/channel/4sfDFDe809E_zMu8kD Google 播客: https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9hcGkuc291bmRvbi5mbS92Mi9wb2RjYXN0cy81YzMxNzJiYi00ZDU3LTQzYzQtODc5My0xNTEzZjhhZWJiOTkvZmVlZC54bWw%3D ---- 對 Podcast 好奇,想快速上手? 想用低成本建立品牌,又不想露臉? *現在推出:Kevin「Podcast 全攻略」線上課程! 讓我教你如何從零開始做好 Podcast。 原價 1280,30 天募資特價 999! 課程連結:https://hahow.in/cr/podcasting -- Hosting provided by SoundOn