1/1/11: HHC Guidelines (11-20)

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Spiritual constipation, Satan's force, Man-created governments, Swearing allegiance, What is a "Republic"?, Churches in early America, The spirit in today's churches, How to start a church, self-government, Stones of the altar, Burnt offerings, Responsibilities of a Minister, Guidelines of His Holy Church (11-20), Christ is overseer of His church, purpose = to return every man unto his possessions, Usury?, Recognition of ministers, no forced contributions, Waiving rights in society, Owing pharoah, Grantor gives up full control of gifts, When a minister dies, Inheritance tax, Ministers to consider requests of giver, Ministers to keep records, Who are "elders"?, Only recorse is withdrawal of recognition, May appeal withdrawal, Adding flesh to dry bones, Ministers may resign, Dissolving a non-maintainable altar, Governments that empower the people, Addressing the weightier matters in one accord, Returning to the ways of Christ.

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