1/11/20: Philippians 4
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Fires in Australia; Illusive magnification; Media manipulation; CNN lawsuit; Global warming?; 1974 Australia fire comparison; Solar causes; Correlation vs causation; Free society = volunteerism; Paradise fire - excess fuel; Why start fires?; False bible narratives; Balance news sources; Early Church organization; Episkopos; Kingdom - God in hearts of every individual; Oregon Article 2 Section 22; Kylee, Kristen and Chemo; Polio facts; Saulk's testimony; Critical thinking - hearing out others; Put Doing into action; Kidnapping by medical community; Sharing stories among network; Dentist of Bergamon; Christ's commanded organization; Greatest allies of evil = good men doing nothing; Fake Gospel; Verify information; Be willing to see you were wrong; You should already be part of a network; Daily ministration of sharing; U.S. troops overseas; Seeking Kingdom is an individual activity; Philippians 4; Chap 3 recap - press toward the mark; Offering testimony that you MIGHT be saved; Paul in the context of Christ; Wholeness of Gospel; Be the benefactors who exercise love; "conversation"; God has already made the law; Pharisees were condemned; "Worship" defined; Book of Life; 1066; Doomsday Book subject to king; Are you keeping God away by not Doing?; Understanding Paul's "imprisonment"; Make straight or OK to be crooked?; Kingdom = Daily Ministration of Pure Religion; Spiritual accounting; "Religion"; Searching your soul; Forced welfare is what John/Christ preached against; "Not to be that way with you"; Perfect savages? Visit San Francisco; Weightier matters of law, judgement, mercy and faith; Gregory's father the lawyer; Christ took kingdom away and appointed to Apostles; Thrived during decline and fall of Roman Empire; Why is there a "swamp"?; Acceptable sacrifice; Temples are government buildings; "Our" father; Saints own all things common; Who's who in the New Testament; Cultures of fear; Do what Christ said!; Know them by their fruits; Getting the whole armor of God.