1/12/13: Husbands
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Going to be challenged; Intro and retrospective searching; Lesson from isometrics; The words; Man's natural state; Resh, or Resh Resh; Characteristic in man; To be God, or to lead to God; To be like God; Natural relationships between God/man; "Husband" more than a piece of paper; To each, their own (clear direction); "Jezreel"; Dual meaning/application of "husband"; Self-imposed burdens – and how turn into blessing(s); Divorce in the Koran; Where begins the KoG, and concentric order of effected relationshipS; Importance of letters/words meanings; Idioms of language; How husbands and wives are bound; Striving to not be a drain; Concerned about other's rights; "No need of spoil"; Model of a good shepherd; Contributing and setting aside – and for whom; The work of being a family; "As much as"; Getting started; Working out things individually; "Believeth not" is in reference to...; Understanding text in context of text (and history); Operating in (all) the character(istics) of Christ('s character); Who put THAT into your heart; What it's probably gonna look like; Striving, to create...; Getting righteousness, right; Time to learn lessons of KoG; Husband(men) to congregations; How to lift-up others; Wives, as allies, supporting your work in love; Precepts of God vs rituals, vocabulary and philosophies of men; Unrestricted growth (strengthening) in the "isometrics of life"; God wants you to be free, but...; Virgins vs foolish virgins; Getting the domestic relationshipS, right; Family as microcosm of KoG; What becoming that microcosm prepares you for; Every waking moment? Every. Waking. Moment.; Not so profound valley... girls??? (Now that's deep!); Understanding, or... just... reading.