1/14/12: De Jure and De Facto alternatives
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Ministers have been excluded from bondage throughout history, Communitarianism, Individuals linked to community, Ten commandments, Constitution = International Government, Who are your ministers?, What is "sin"?, Ancient Egypian bondage, U.S. = massive socialist community, Kingdom of God is opposite, Responsible elders, Bottom-up, Family = building block of God's government, No incorporation to congregations, Choosing your minister, Uses of offerings, Personal Contact Ministerss vs Ministers of Congregations of Record, Congregationalism vs Kingdom, Congregation Project examples, Tents vs Cities, Sui Juris, Banks vs Credit Unions, Extend family practices to community, End of foreclosures, Is it time for you to be healed (see)?, Potential of a network of congregations, Why 10 families?, De facto vs De Jure, The Constitution arises, Attaining righteousness and justice, Singing doesn't help, Enabling the foolish - lazy - irresponsible, Discretionary charity, "Heaven", Kingdom of Heaven is here and now, How to be happy, "Thy will be done" depends on YOU, How to be free?, Casting bread upon the waters, Ministers don't stand between you and God, Pure Republics, Church vs social clubs, True kingdom living leads to surplus, Don't work - don't eat, 666, Enemy Expatriation Act, War on families, Kingdom - no need for penal system, Righteousness vs Vengeance, Recognizing motive, Who are the "wicked"?, "just enough" is not enough.