1/16/21: The Assembly is Called! (Joel 1-2)

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Events repeated from history; Golem = corporation; Covetous covenants; Are you biting your neighbor?; 1871 Act; USCON; Statutory incorporation; No private property; Legal title; Finishing the puzzle; Understanding the law necessary for understanding the bible; The Church as a network; Spiritual war against truth; Binding by benefits; Joel's timeless message; Losing your liberty; Justifying fear for vanity; Get humble; Think differently; Recovering from compound mistakes; The book of Joel; Attacking symptoms?; Pain is a message; Joel from Judea; National adultery; Evil brings destruction; "Strong strong" delusion; Law manifested; Locusts?; Joel's mission; Lacking kingdom knowledge; Sabbath; Humbly accepting truth; Preaching falsehoods; Accepting your losses; Term limits?; What can YOU do?; Are YOU listening?; Biden-bribes for you; Cursing your children; Christ = anointing; Repentance; Unforgivable sin; Jerusalem stone temple; Bible references to Joel; Becoming children of light; Offerings "cut off"?; Stimulus fallacy; Your contribution to forcing your neighbor; Palm worms and chewing locusts; Allowing corruption; Joel 1; Layers of corruption/parasites; You are already in bondage; Stop coveting - turn around; Realize your error; Where's your offering/sacrifice?; Pleasure vs Joy; All that's left is debt; 1 Sam 8 - "Take" = Joel "Chew"; Isa 43:19; Forsaking calling upon the Lord; Joel 2; Once-richest nation brought down by debt - Why?; What's the alternative?; Return to Christ; Internal invasion - devouring itself; Sanctifying a fast; Understand the real Jesus; God will meet you halfway; Restoring your loss; Surviving freedom; Christ's congregations of congregations; Dragons and owls?; 2nd Pentecost; God's character - call upon it and be delivered.

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