1/16/21: The Assembly is Called! (Joel 3)

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Spiritual mindset taking over people's thinking; Monetary devaluation; Everyone responsible for spreading the word; Spirit of destruction; Think differently = repent!; Measuring righteousness; Confession; Religious order; Podcasts; Joel's chapters; Bible connections; Renting garments; Follow Holy Spirit; Becoming a light on a lampstand; Joel 3; Bible locations not necessarily geographical; Understand in spirit; War on humanity; Evil cannot annihilate man; Benefits begetting depravity; Bankrupt Social Security; Following God's guidance; Can't create a free society by force; Extending the perfect law of liberty; Child trafficking; Borders of Jerusalem and Judah; Joel's prophecies; Devouring the unrepentant; Assemble yourselves; Ezekiel tie-ins; Your freedom of choice; Christian right to self-defense; Double peace; Where's your salvation?; Egypt = bondage; Our goal; Their goal; Gog and Magog; "New wine"; Freely received, freely share; Fathers of the earth; Come together.

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