1/18/14: What are you doing?
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

It's a test; Unfortunately...; What made "Band of Brothers" successful?; Or, the way of ... Detroit(!?); YOU decide; Think it's the ministers' fault?; The "sweet savor"; In your community; Nobody greater; Here's the test; They didn't know I was missing!; Fishing; Kingdom of God starts in the heart; Your cheat-sheet; Start caring (stop forsaking), and gather; Just like the kingdom of God...; Why being told this?; The fruit we bear as a society; We think we change ideas in our mind, and suddenly we're saved???; Christ had to go to the day-to-day guys; How history repeats; What free souls under God do; If you're a parent, you know this; What it means to be in the Kingdom of God; Inclination of heart and desires will be tested; Not some secret; Some decisions result in all our other decisions being made for us (whoa!); "Cogito ergo sum"... what I think (dependent on source of my thoughts); "Paralogism" defined/described; Big temptation under pressure of education; Is life about "proof"; What's writing on our heart/mind; Lots of countries claim to be "Christian"... too; Only talk to ourselves in about 5% of brain; Key to allowing God to write upon our heart; ...but they had to have a love for that; I want you to believe the truth; Adversary's motive; Be still to know; What we think effects our whole body; Most of what goes on is in our sub-conscious; "Positive thinking" falls short; What this has to do with the Kingdom of God...; "Loving our neighbor" likened to a baby getting up at most inopportune times; Our dong "it" isn't so that " 'it' will get done"(?!); What are we doing?; Make a decision; Into motion with whole body; Where you get help?; The reason our families are failing; If character of Christ/name of God in our heart, then...