1/19/13: Choice

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

What's going on/what to do; Questioning our beliefs; "Study" defined; The word of truth vs "vain babblings"; "Church" doctrines; Social benefactors; Religious Christian society; Roman civil law; Call no man, "Patri"; What believing in Jesus looks like; Taxing the rich?; Wanting to keep the commandments, and being diligent; With neighbors, not exercising authority; Different conclusions; False faith; With your very life; The Pharisees thought they were righteousness, too; What Christ was doing vs what are you doing?; Who the kingdom's for; Unconditional love vs conditional salvation; Continuing in the way; Rings of power; Lottery ticket purchasing, and similarity to voting; Relating modern examples to time of Christ; Blind charity; Starting with your soul, and cleaning own house; Extensive or limited – same thing; Have you heard him yet; Antithesis to "Mark of Cain"; This simple, little, truth...; Simplicity of the GoK; "Greatest" = servant of all; Right to choose ≠ license to do wrongly; Diligent workmen; Moses explains Commandments; Givers of life, and loyal to righteousness; Just a liiiiittle demonic; Cain/Nimrod connection; Seek KoG oneself vs forcing it on others; Bonds of love; Proposed, mandatory-service bill; Adjusting behavior – rightly; Study/put into action... diligently; Lacking knowledge/desiring benefits; Learning skill/art of liberty, and exercising own responsibilities; No ToL without acceptance of God; "Sacrifice" is correlative to...; The flow of virtue; Gathering to make love real; The fire of giving; Speaking, living and sacrificing to the truth; "Of jackals, by jackasses"; "Bludgeoning of the people by the people for the people"; Follow Christ.

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