1/2/16: Spiritual Contracts
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Wanting to know the whole truth, Adam and Eve, Nakedness and hiding, Paul Revere's ride, "Black Lives Matter", Knowing how to give, feeling good vs salvation, saved by grace, The Naked Serpent, Refugees in Europe, Sustainable birth rates, liberated wives, Socialism spitting in the face of Christ, Self-righteousness and the Church, Study to be Quiet, Rome becomes socialist, losing eternal life, The Real Jesus - abandoned, Ends and means, What you have to repent from, Why you are back in bondage of Egypt, What you own, What to do now, Paul's "we" and "us" is not you, Becoming a surety, Excuses to keep you comfortable, Burning sheep, Head knowledge, Having eyes to see, Menstruating women, Perverting natural use, Your last free choice, US already socialist 100 years, Eating of the Tree of Knowledge, If there were more Real Christians..., World churches teaching only part of the Gospel, Stop trying to save your life!, Will God contend for you?, Where are your fruits?, Are you thinking kingdom?, God wants everyone saved, Turning from wickedness, Coming together, Lawful captives, Contract makes the law, Intent?, Evil does not want you to see your error, Christ's Sabbath keeping, Rendering to Caesar, The value of money, How to save the world, Meat with blood in it, Do you care?